Friday, January 13, 2012

A Silly, exciting thing to cry about

My son is a food stuffer.  I know its Sensory....maybe a a bit behavioral at this point.  So if you have been following me on Facebook you can see that Frankie has been having behavioral problems since he has been back to school.  They add 5 kids to his class......and Frankie doesn't like change or attention taken away from he regresses behaviorally.  Lots on my mind, so much bothering me, wondering what I can do. 

So my little stuffer is sitting at the table with a paper plate, 3 pretzels and a cereal bar.  I am watching to make sure he breaths as he shoves the entire cereal bar in his mouth and then something happens.  He takes a bite and put it down...... "take a bite and put it down like Andrea says"  he repeats after every bite.  Maybe silly, but I cried.....that it all it takes.  He took nibbles of pretzel and put it down and waited.  Who was this kid??? was great.