Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Progress every day

The Boy is hysterical today!  Today my son played and peed.....oh and he drew pictures too!  Like I said in the prior post, I was basically home all day.  So we did the potty every 30 minutes and little man went 6 times!  One of those times he actually pooped.....well only a little.  The kids going to give himself hemorrhoids, he things he has to push to get pee pee out.  Tried not to laugh, I giggled a little, all he wanted was candy. 

He played Little People Mall most of the day.  Setting up the people in a car and driving them around.  He is so funny, he told me an octopus was a Pizza man, not too sure where he got that from.  His play skills are coming along beautifully!

Lastly tonight he was drawing with his Magnadoodle and i had to bust out laughing.  First he is Screaming "MAMA, WIA (how he says Baby Divas name), DADDY!" over and over.  So me and Baby Diva head over to his room and he looks at me and says "Mama, Wia, Wheres Daddy?....DADDY!!!!!"  I laughed out of joy, I can not believe he said that!  It made sense, it was appropriate!  Earlier he had said "daddy what happened?" when Baby Diva was crying......I wasn't sure if it was directed at her, but this time I knew.  So he wanted us to come in so he could show us his drawings......which all looked like ovals to us but, he was proud.  I posted them below.....Enjoy the Art show.  I laughed my butt off at the happy camel face!

This is the SUN
This is "Make Dots"
 This is "Camel, Happy Face"
 This is "A Shell"
 This is "A Walrus" ok looks like another oval

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